MIX Property Group BLOG


A Time for Patience: Navigating Commercial Real Estate Leasing in Changing Times

The commercial real estate landscape is experiencing significant shifts in its leasing market, leading to an influx of available properties and a decline in demand. While these challenges may test landlords' patience and cash flow, it's crucial to adopt a positive and proactive approach.

We explore six ways to ensure your Hobart commercial property remains attractive to potential tenants and how offering flexibility can help maintain cash flow during these transitional periods.

1. Adapting to Changing Market Dynamics

The Hobart rental market has opened up, presenting a surplus of available smaller office and retail spaces. This change has been influenced by shifts in migration patterns, a decline in overseas student numbers, and the removal of visa incentives offered by State Growth. If we take our minds back to pre-Covid days, the Hobart market had seen dwindling demand from local business owners, however, Tasmania was reaping the benefits of being a ‘Regional’ area for visa applicants. This helped attract international students and their families to our shores and in turn resulted in our vacancies declining due to new F&B startup businesses, migration & student advisory offices and the opening of over 55 Registered Training Organisations. With these tenants exiting the market, landlords need to adapt and rethink their strategies moving forward.

2. Effective Property Presentation

One of the first steps to attract potential tenants is to ensure your commercial property is well presented in all marketing materials. High-quality photos, clear descriptions, and well-maintained premises can significantly enhance the appeal of your property. Make it evident what the property's best use is, highlighting its unique features and advantages.

3. Flexibility in Lease Structure

In the current climate, being open to flexible lease commercial structures is crucial. Consider offering incentives to tenants at the beginning of their lease to help them establish their businesses. This can include rent concessions, fit-out assistance, or other benefits that make it more appealing for businesses to choose your property. Fixed rental growth over the lease term can also help tenants plan their finances without unwelcome surprises.

4. Long-Term Thinking

For landlords intending to hold their properties for the long term, it's vital to consider the sustainability of your commercial leasing rates. Overpricing your property can deter potential tenants and ultimately harm your cash flow. Striking a balance between competitive pricing and maintaining profitability is key.

5. Exploring Pop-Up Leasing

Pop-up leasing can be an effective strategy, especially during seasons of higher demand, such as the summer season. By allowing temporary businesses to occupy your space, you can generate activity and draw attention to your property. This may lead to long-term tenant prospects who initially test the waters through a pop-up lease.

6. Be Patient

By implementing all of the above, sometimes it still takes time for interest to gain momentum and the right tenant to be found. By working closely with your agent you can refresh your marketing, rotate photography, enhance your online listings and undertake target marketing to make sure no stone is left unturned.

At MIX, we make sure your listing is not forgotten but is highlighted when all opportunities arise and our extensive list of prospective tenants know about your property. Contact our commercial team today if we can assist you with your commercial leasing needs. 
