MIX Property Group BLOG


Have your say on the Rental Market Crisis!

As property managers, we understand firsthand the challenges faced by both tenants and landlords in the current Australian rental market. The ongoing affordable rental property shortage, escalating rents, costs to property investors and evolving legislation have created a complex landscape that requires careful navigation. In response to these pressing issues, the Australian government has taken a proactive step by launching the National Rental Inquiry.

Understanding the National Rental Inquiry

The National Rental Inquiry serves as a platform for landlords, tenants, and other stakeholders, to share their experiences and insights. The inquiry aims to gather comprehensive data on the challenges faced by those involved in the rental market and identify potential solutions to address the current crisis.

Key Objectives:

Insights from Landlords and Tenants: The inquiry aims to gain valuable insights from both landlords and tenants. By understanding the issues faced by each group, policymakers can work towards solutions that address their respective concerns.

Fostering Positive Relationships: Striking a balance between rental tenant rights and landlord interests is essential for a healthy rental market. The inquiry aims to foster positive relationships between landlords and tenants, encouraging open dialogue and collaboration.

Informing Effective Policies: The data and feedback collected from landlords and tenants will inform the development of effective rental policies and initiatives. The goal is to create a rental environment that benefits both landlords and tenants and promotes stability in the market.

How to Get Involved:

Visit the National Rental Inquiry Website: Access the official website of the National Rental Inquiry to find information on how to participate and share your insights. 

Click Here to Have Your Say - The worsening rental crisis in Australia – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)

Share Your Experiences: When contributing to the inquiry, share your personal experiences as a landlord or tenant. Be specific about the challenges you've faced and the impact of rental market dynamics on your situation.

Advocate for Positive Change: Offer constructive suggestions and ideas that can contribute to a more stable and sustainable rental market. Your perspective can be instrumental in shaping effective policies.

The National Rental Inquiry is a unique opportunity for landlords and tenants to have a say in shaping the future of renting in Australia. Your participation is crucial in fostering a balanced and sustainable rental market that benefits both parties. Let's come together, share our experiences, and work towards a rental environment that meets the needs of landlords and tenants alike.

We understand the importance of your perspective, and we urge you to take part in the inquiry before the deadline on Friday, 4th August 2023.

Contact our team for excellent property management or if you're looking for a rental in Hobart.