MIX Property Group BLOG


New Year Home Reset


Home reset for the new year


The New Year is a great time for new beginnings and with the lovely summer weather we have in Hobart right now, it is a great time to reset your home ready for the New Year.


A deep clean is a great way to freshen up inside your home, it is certainly beneficial if you are thinking about selling, but even if you aren’t thinking of selling you won’t regret a freshen up.


To get through the list, maybe allocate 1 job a day as a goal.


We have identified 9 items to assist you in completing your New Year home reset


1.     Clean out the fridge

Remove all items, check expiry dates, and remove shelves and trays and clean thoroughly.


2.     Clean skirting boards

Use a soft bristle brush and damp micro fibre cloth to wipe down all skirting boards. 


3.     Clean under all big piece of furniture

Move all furniture and vacuum/mop underneath.


4.     Clean all filters and fans

Remove filters from heat pumps, wipe down all ceiling fans and light fittings.


5.     Scrub all doors

A quick wipe down with a micro fibre cloth, use a magic eraser sponge for anything that might be more stubborn.


6.     Organise and clean under all beds

Remove all items from under the beds and vacuum/mop the floors.


7.     Deep clean your washing machine

Run an empty regular cycle on hot, using two cups of white vinegar.


8.     Clean Walls

Use a magic eraser to wipe down all stubborn stains, paying special attention around doors and light switches.


9.     Fully clean and reset your living room

Clean couches, throw rugs, wash pillows and clean under the furniture.


If you got through all 9 tasks, well done! Not only is your home clean but your mind will feel so much clearer now and you are all set for a productive 2023.       

